Founder's Musings

What I don't have time for in this season: 

  • exploring personal style
  • shopping for new _______ 
  • styling new _______
  • returns

What I do have time for in this season: 
  • putting something  on 
  • taking a picture of said outfit (ONLY if it's comfortable, feels soft, and allows full ran...
24.06.24 04:24 PM - Comment(s)

“Everyone is beautiful and the more you realize that you are you and not someone else, the more beautiful you become.”

Bobbi Brown (makeup not Whitney). 

I love when a podcast's content is light enough for walking or chores but still thought provoking. Here's a great one on personal style. If you...

24.04.24 08:56 PM - Comment(s)
My Why

It's dark:thirty am. You're trying to be a responsible "adult" and listen to some unbiased news podcast daily. You put the leash on the dog. You find a light to walk the dog in the foggy dark:thirty peace. Your two girls and two boys are still sleeping. Your responsible adult partner is aw...

09.04.24 02:26 PM - Comment(s)